February 15-17, 2025
Over the years, Power, Energy, and Electrical Engineering has witnessed transformative advancements, becoming a dynamic multidisciplinary field encompassing the study and application of power systems, energy generation and conversion, electrical machinery, and intricate electrical systems. This domain has been pivotal in fueling technological innovations and addressing the increasing global demand for sustainable and efficient energy solutions.
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 15th International Conference on Power, Energy, and Electrical Engineering (CPEEE 2025) to be held in Fukuoka, Japan during February 15-17, 2025. The conference is being co-sponsored by Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, IEEE PES, IEEE, co-hosted by Nihon University, Japan and proudly patronized by the Kogakuin University, Kyushu Sangyo University, etc..
CPEEE 2025 will serve as a global stage for researchers, engineers, and industry professionals to exchange insights, share research breakthroughs, and delve into the cutting-edge advancements in the field. The conference will span a broad range of topics including, but not limited to, power systems, renewable energy, energy storage, electrical machines, control systems, and emerging technologies within the sphere of electrical engineering.
With a goal to foster collaboration, encourage interdisciplinary discourse, and drive innovation, CPEEE 2025 seeks to bring together a diverse congregation of experts, researchers, and practitioners in Power, Energy, and Electrical Engineering. The conference will provide a forum for showcasing trailblazing research, exploring emerging trends, and tackling the challenges and opportunities presented by the swiftly evolving energy landscape. Through a series of technical sessions, keynote speeches, engaging panel discussions, and invaluable networking opportunities, CPEEE 2025 will play a significant role in advancing knowledge, disseminating research findings, and forging partnerships destined to shape the future of Power, Energy, and Electrical Engineering. We eagerly anticipate your participation.
All submissions will be blind reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, relevance to conference topics of interest, originality, significance, and clarity. Accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will be published into CPEEE Conference Proceedings by IEEE, included into IEEE Xplore, submitted for Ei Compendex and Scopus.
CPEEE 2024 conference have been archived into IOS Press Ebooks, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
CPEEE 2023 conference have been archived into IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
CPEEE 2022 conference has been archived into IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
CPEEE 2021 conference has been archived into IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
CPEEE 2020 conference proceedings have been archived into E3S Web of Conferences, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
A selected set of extended version of papers registered and presented at CPEEE will be recommended to Electric Power Components and Systems
Indexing by SCIE (Impact factor 2021: 1.276 ), Scopus (Citescore 2021: 2.4), etc.
Note: 1) The submission deadline to the journal is May 20, 2025; 2) Content expansion at least 40% with new paper title; 3) Inform Chiko of the paper title and author name once you submit your extended paper to the journal to enjoy the discount given to conference organizer.
Early-Bird Registration Deadline (If you would like to enjoy early-bird registration, your paper registration should be finished before/on October 25, 2024)
For those who don't have paper/abstract to
submit, you're welcome to attend as Audience. You're
simply required to fill out the information online
for listeners and proceed with the payment before
registration deadline. We'll contact you after we
reviewed the registration.
Register online directly.
Note: Please inform conference secretary after your payment by mail to cpeee_conf@126.com.
Please login in Easychair Submission System to submit your abstract or full paper.
Each paper should be more than 5 pages normally, including all figures, tables, and references.
9:30am--12:00am, 2:00pm-5:30pm, Monday to Friday